Group "owned" Meeting
Something (feature-ish) that has come up. How would one potentially have a group-owned meeting (short of having a group login)? Example:
- We have our appliance doing LDAP authentication so that all of our users can call meetings
- A user has set up a weekly recurring meeting
- That user is currently travelling, and thus cannot initiate the meeting.
Perhaps a feature where the meeting organiser (and perhaps also the appliance administrator) could add additional people who could start the meeting. Assume that the person actually becomes the meeting presenter (so, the first organizer that shows up for the meeting becomes the presenter. Move the presenter role around as normal.)
Open Nov 09, 2015 - 02:50 PM
Feature Requests
Nov 10, 2015 - 08:15 AM
In TurboMeeting, each scheduled meeting has a "Transfer" option which allows the owner to transfer that meeting to a new owner. Also, the R-HUB administrator has a "Restore Meeting" feature which can restore any meeting scheduled or unscheduled even if it is from the past to the original owner or assign it to a new owner. This last part lets the R-HUB administrator assign a scheduled meeting to a new host at the last minute in case the original host is sick, etc.
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