How do we use the Turbomeeting Printer?
I see the Turbomeeting printer is set up on my and the person I am connected to's printer list. How does this work? Can remote users print to my printer or vise-versa? Is there documentation on this?
Open Mar 07, 2015 - 10:34 AM
Feature Questions
Jul 16, 2015 - 12:57 PM
To enable “Remote Printing”, in the TurboMeeting application, go to the menu item Tools | Preferences and choose “Install Remote Printer” and click “Save”. Then to send a “printout” to another attendee, choose the print option from any application. Then choose the printer named “TurboMeeting Printer”. You will be asked which attendee you’d like to receive the printout (unless there is only one attendee).
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